raze (with apologies to the beatles and the_white_album)

she's not a cat who hisses much
do do do do do do
oh yeah

she's well acquainted with the touch
of her owner's hand
like a blizzard
or new orleans rain
a dog in the crowd
with the multicoloured treats
in his drooling mouth
fighting off some flies
while his tail is busy
wagging overtime
the squeaked confession of a mouse
which he ate
and donated to the litter box

i need cat nip
'cause i'm going down
down to the kittens i left uptown
i need catnip
'cause i'm going down

playing with string is lots of fun! playing with string is lots of fun! playing with string is lots of fun! playing with string is lots of fun!

happiness is a warm cat
(meow meow, purr purr)
happiness is a warm cat, mama
(meow meow, purr purr)
when i hold you on my couch
and i feel my fingers on your fur
i know nobody can do me no harm
because happiness is a warm cat . . .
jane 150916
what's it to you?
who go