amy a quadruple holiday. yup... all futuristic and shit. quite lovely, really. 040211
not serious i don't believe in denial 040211
guitar_freak I thought that for once I would be with someone who doesn't have substance problems. I was wrong. I ignored it, but I just can't do it anymore. I have to face this, but I don't know how. 051105
IGG apparently
we're both in denial, according to a certain person.
im denying being a lesbian, he's denying being gay. Obviously.
We're deluding ourselves by getting together, and were not facing up to reality.

Or somebody is on a personal mission to turn all his friends gay.

Don't you just hate it when other people tell you just what [they think] your relationship is like?
guitar_freak its okay to be gay. there are lots of people who will support you, lots of others who won't, but they suck. Hell, you can even get married in canada. Best of luck. 051106
no reason sometimes people try so hard to fix themselves to be who you want, the kind of person you want, and you appreciate it and feel bad and give them chance after chance but people can't make other people be other people 140109
tender_square mom said that dad was fighting in a way that the other participants/patients in the weekly gatherings were not. i didn't know what she meant, had she confused the wording? was it that these participants were fighting to be involved in the activities when dad was miserable, complaining he was sick every time he was asked to step out of the house? "he's been fighting the diagnosis," mom said. was she being metaphorical or literal? it was the latter. dad actually has said to her repeatedly that he doesn't have alzheimer's and continues to argue the point. "things would go so much easier if he could just accept it," she said. "he's wasting so much time." 230324
what's it to you?
who go