Soma "Some women are just emotional."
"You should try meditation."
"Mood disruptions aren't uncommon with menses."
"Have you tried yoga?"
"If you journaled it would be easier."
"Yeah, that's typical for some women."
"You should work with a therapist."
"Are you doing gratitude exercises?"
"Everyone cries, some more than others."
"Incorporating more deep breathing would be wise."
"Well, your bloodwork looks great."
"I don't think social media can accurately diagnose you."
"Oh, women just have to deal with big feelings."
"Have you tried journaling?"
"This does sound like ADHD - you should see a specialist."
"Seems like everyone your age thinks they have that."
"I think it's better for you to work through this outside medication."
"Let's try some things out and see what works."
"I don't agree with your last doctor, so I won't be refilling your prescription."
"Let's talk about medication after you try more mindfulness."
"What about journaling?"
"Exercise makes a big difference, you know."
"You'll have to sign an agreement to not sell your meds."
"What happened wasn't okay, and you need to go find a specialist again."
"Your old diagnosis wasn't wrong- let's get you back on your meds."
"I'm expanding your diagnosis to include OCD and BPD."
"I'm so happy that things have been improving for you."

- A memory of quotes, all from separate medical providers.
epitome of incomprehensibility It sucks that a lot of these are so unhelpful (women deal with big feelings? only women? everyone else has teeny tiny feelings??)

Even the crying one, which makes sense, isn't necessarily giving anyone new information.
what's it to you?
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