epitome of incomprehensibility Okay, how is this not a word yet?

But here's a meditation/thought exercise I came up with. It's not spiritual or scientific, and only slightly imaginative, but here goes.

I came up with it around two weeks ago, Sunday July 31, when I was away for the weekend walking around the summer camp on a calm morning. It wasn't oppressively hot, and I went to the campfire site above the beach to catch some sun. I had the idea to close my eyes and imagine breathing in colours.

At first I tried rainbows, but I found all those colours at once too much to concentrate on.

So I separated them by colour. The idea is to imagine something of that colour in the natural world when you breathe in, and something you can make/do with that colour when you breathe out. The thing you can "make" can be abstract, like an idea associated with that colour.

White - Middle of the sun, flowers, spiderwebs; paper, purity, synthesis

Gray - Hair, mushrooms, rocks, clouds, lace on leaves; lace in fabric, wisdom

Black - Volcanic rocks, berries, dark; ink, writing, strength

And so on for the actually colourful colours. It was easier to do this surrounded by cool warmth and light and trees and bushes, of course.

But I did this two days ago on the bus. The image that kept coming to me, the colour I wanted to breathe in, was black for ink. I don't know why I kept thinking of that.

I don't know if this is "real" meditation. It doesn't necessarily take a long time. And what I'm a bit starved for right now is people to talk to, not opportunities to sit still and be quiet. But it doesn't hurt.
amys in red my asking is tangential and hyperbolic nvrthlss have you seen the movie "Anonymous", e_o_i? 160812
e_o_i No, I don't think so. 160815
flowerock. E.F.T

Someone recently showed this to me and it's my favorite way to meditate or take time to see and hear and feel my true self so far. Sometimes I have a hard time quitting my mind or being calm and this technique helps me do both.
unhinged shambhala_training
tender_square i cling to a breathing and mantra technique that doesn't work any longer. i do this partially out of laziness, and partially out of fear. now that we're not together anymore, he takes my advice better than i do: he meditates twenty minutes two times per day. i'm fortunate if i slot in fifteen upon waking. i'm inconsistent; i go through the motions of self-care. he's taken to centering prayer, a process that brings him images of contemplation, comfort, and consolation. he asks questions and gets answers that suffice and sustain for right now. i could use a more direct link to god, i think. 230318
what's it to you?
who go