kerry for years i thought i was insane, that something in me had shifted and i didn’t recognize myself
it only took a moment to unleash perpetual derealization

i destroyed furniture, threw fruit on the pavement
locked myself in my room
shredded clothing with my bare hands
art supplies, plants, gifts, all went in the dumpster
secret temper tantrums like a child

i looked in the mirror and saw a stranger
watched hours and hours of garbage tv
crouched in a cave with no music, no books
it frightened iz, the lack of reading, and books arrived regularly in the mail, were put on a shelf and never opened

on good days i am a different person
i can do laundry and make phone calls
work my way down a to-do list, no problem
make myself a sandwich
on other days i am skinless and cold
hungry for silence and nothing else

i confessed all of it, and it was like turning myself inside out, like vomiting not bile and half-digested food but rage and shame
i see glimpses of myself reflected in their eyes
or the me i think is me, faint like the threads of a dream i forget upon waking
kerry seven pills a day, down from nine.

how do you feel? he asked me.
we were walking down snyder, i was swinging my arms, enjoying the bite of winter on my nose.

i feel--i feel fantastic, i said.

i feel like myself.
what's it to you?
who go