nom "most doctors don't diagnose that anymore" the doctor said yesterday when i told her i have m_e/cfs and fibromylagia. i asked her for a referral to see my specialist and she said she'd "never heard of him" (eventhough he is a world-renowned expert) but that she'd try to put one through. today i called my specialist's office and got an appointment,...but then found out that the doctor i saw yesterday is refusing to refer me,..she said i have to find another doctor,...she doesn't 'believe in' m_e/cfs and fibromyalgia. makes me shake my head and sigh. 070223
nom typos typos 070223
nom i guess i'll have to ask my gp in the mountains, or find someone else here. it's just a bit of a hassle, just ignorance on that doctor's part, no big deal, a bit expected,. but still frustrating. 070223
nom i just want to see someone who knows about me and m_e and who can help figure out treatment options, whether something like ampligen might help me 070223
o n m see 2nd eye specialist tomorrow ... 100614
o n m see is the funny word because last time they put drops that made me look like i was on acid, and it made it really hard to see for a few hours after 100614
lostgirl if it hadn't been for marc's ear specialist, his and our lives would have been irrevocably altered. i thank god for him and his brain full of vast knowledge every single day. 100614
n o m i went camping and ignored the doctors calls. supposed to see specialist 3rd time.

they're not sure why i see colours differently, or why everything appears higher from one eye, but i was told it is making my eyes work harder to focus. apparently though i still have great vision, just reduced/different great vision now. not the "perfect vision" i had as a kid, but they were actually impressed. guess i'll go back and let them test me some more.
kerry when the doctor shined a light into my left pupil, it dilated. but the right one constricted.
why is that?
she suggested i see an ophthalmologist. the word is intimidating to me.
kerry it constricted, rather. it did it's left-pupil duty. the red pupil was like fuck this noise and decided to go rogue. 210812
unhinged 'in the beginner's mind there are many options; in the expert's mind there are few' sic

i spent six years in college becoming a violin specialist. those six years almost beat the love of the violin right out of me. i dropped out of grad school in an effort to take back my own sanity and didn't really touch the violin for a good year.

then i started teaching five year olds twinkle twinkle little star. their beginner minds salvaged all that my 'higher education' had nearly destroyed

now i think it is time to do something totally new with my professional life. there aren't enough enchanted beginners in my life for me to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly around here. i refuse to be the teacher that makes children hate something...the entitled bratdom and the bad parenting of the rich around here might be tangled up in there somewhere too
what's it to you?
who go