kyla Had a dream about Spain. But, here he was calm and watchful and full of strength. He smelled like fresh bread, smiled like the end of summer, and I think we were in love. The world was yellow hot and full of sand, dry and full of sun. Onto the desert streets, out of the water temples. 010726
birdmad blurred around the edges
like soft pornography

veiled with sleep

i just want to close my eyes and revel in the unreal shapes for awhile.

. . 061222
tender_square if he leaves, i want to convert the apartment to a community space for writing groups, and potentially host open mics for readers, students, anyone who wants to share. i want to move my office back into the bedroom where it used to be. take advantage of the large window and natural light to make the space a painting studio as well. 230702
what's it to you?
who go