crowli just don't.

everything is going to be alright.
unhinged things change
that's what they do

from good to bad
bad to good
indifferent to more indifferent
back to good again

for all the waves and currents
an ocean is still an ocean
dreizehn don't_worry word_association over today_yesterday 101129
marley be_happy 101130
no reason i need this reassurance sometimes
from myself and/or others
unhinged (me too; it's ingrained in my genetics to worry) 101130
lostgirl my mom has always believed that a worry is a wish (of sorts) for something bad to happen. but then again, my dad says she's so positive that she farts rainbows. (yikes~did i just write that?)

trying to stay positive in the face of uncertainty is very shifty at best these days...but honestly, being open and straightforward has caused what had been a perpetual knot in my gut to fade nearly into nothingness.

for me right now it's the unknown that is the biggest cause for my unmanageable concern...for my private_tears.
no reason that's an interesting way to look at it. i'm not sure i'd call it a wish as much as an expectation, and it's good not to be worried or have bad expectations as long as you'll be able to handle it if things do turn out badly. which i'm trying to work on. 101130
unhinged if you make good choices now, good things will come to you in the future so there's no reason to worry. 101130
what's it to you?
who go