minnesota_chris All right, folks, let's clutter up the RED site too!

dionysos gesundheit! 020327
shultz Auchtung! Frauline! 020328
Freak sound of music 021004
She Andrew Dice Clay 021015
Lime Rider mudman 021015
fallen j-e-l-l-o 021017
jane shot 021017
Freak wounded 021017
birdmad bleed 021017
Zeb green vulcan blood 021018
jane bandaid 021105
limanne ouchless 021105
Lime Rider scream 021130
hr spiders 021130
x robin 021130
IKC 56-80 batman 021130
daxle Robin Fall 021130
Lime Rider Legends of the fall 021130
yenaldlosi bear claws 021130
pilgrim Claude Bawls 021130
Freak nuts 021130
yenaldlosi soup 021130
Sonya stuffy nose 021201
limeann snobs 021201
jinx prissy 021201
anonymouse poodles 021201
bethany schnauzers 021201
inspector gadget Wowsers! 021202
jinx penny 021202
0of46 money penny 021202
MI 6 Bond 021202
the swinger of birches tired 021202
Lime Rider lame car 021202
Jacer meep-meep 021202
yenaldlosi Wile E. Coyote 021202
icewater cliff 021202
yenaldlosi Norm 021203
Cicero regular 021203
x soy 021203
minnesota_chris Yo soy Chris 021203
splat conjugation 021203
Sonya ring 021203
girl_jane empty 021205
pilgrim space 021205
i am jack monkeys 021205
IKC 56-80 sea 021205
yenaldlosi salt 021205
Freak bath 021205
Sonya bubbles 021205
psychobabe powerpuff stupid little girls or some shit 021205
jane burritos 021206
jinx beans 021223
birdmad jumping 021223
pilgrim Over 021224
Lime Rider bridge 021224
een stom kind river 030118
pilgrim of No Return 030120
obvious point 030120
Lilac period 030120
mcdougall 1980's 030120
Sonya smurfs 030120
een stom kind blue 030121
Lilac black 030121
bandersnatch night 030122
blather moon 030123
Lime Rider stars 030123
een stom kind night sky 030123
Lilac sunrise 030123
spoons dew drops 030123
Lilac rain 030124
mcdougall belly_fire 030124
spoons ulcers

*sniff sniff* ow
een stom kind acid 030125
belly fire burn 030125
Lime Rider Muse 030125
blue star dogma 030125
jinx female god 030128
bandersnatch juno 030129
blue star mcalex 030129
Black Argonaut highlander 030129
een stom kind green hills 030130
bandersnatch green giant 030130
belly fire richard 030201
Black Argonaut the lionhearted 030217
Mandy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 030218
een stom kind C.S. Lewis 030219
Lilac chronicles 030219
bandersnatch narnia

(i swear, it wasnt until after i thought about what i was going to say that i looked up and saw "the lion...")
een stom kind lions 030325
  tigers 030325
een stom kind orange and black 030326
birdmad halloween 030326
voodoo sadness 030820
nomme sinking 030820
een stom kind water 030821
Sj river

pobodys nerfect "persistence of memory" 030823
splat shudder 030824
Kromac goosebumps 030824
pobodys nerfect crappy tv show 030824
sbandersatch american gladeators 030831
mon padded 030831
pobodys nerfect room 030831
bijou elbow 030902
pobodys nerfect macaroni 030902
mcdougall grill * god i love this restraunt 030903
Mandy George Forman 030903
symbol junky four?
wicker man play 030907
me you 030907
jinx cookie 030915
Mandy monster 030915
two anorexia 030915
Freak food 030916
jinx absent 030917
pobodys nerfect minded 031010
.fallen binded 031011
jinx warped 031113
mcdougall tour 031113
guitar_freak guide 031201
nom rock 031201
DammitJanet fraggle 031201
becclebee puppet 031201
two labyrinth 031201
endless desire harry_potter 031202
l Scar 031203
little joe tissue 031203
endless desire sneeze 031203
Heffable Horralump cold 031216
nom win 031216
flux wane 040401
lotuseater exist 040403
two vortex 040403
little wonder dream 040403
bijou drum 040403
sans nom story 040403
guitar_freak imagination 040503
cocoon pictures 040503
flux dentures 040504
somebody false 040611
two prophet 040611
z five 040611
lacrima boy band 040611
notme players 040611
cocoon football! (aka soccer) 040612
silentlybroken Rangers 040622
cocoon scotland 040622
birdmad trainspotting 040623
belly fire iggy pop 040623
mademoiselle lollypop 040623
falling_alone Candyland 040623
silentlybroken Disneyland 040624
cocoon mickey mouse 040624
pilgrim Rat Fink 040625
flux ice rink 041127
shower singer dancer 041127
Cicero dark 041127
GOP Samuel L Jackson 041127
am i DiStUrBeD? films 041128
thunderbuck ram cloudy 041129
cocoon grey 050605
z day 050605
skyburst777 claim 050606
Lemon_Soda deed 050606
cocoon done 050711
tilt swiftly 050711
APRicochetMVP local music 050711
Lemon_Soda Groove Yard 050711
unhinged that_aged_rock_star 050711
flux squid lips 060604
birdmad calamari 060605
AfPRicochet MVP tasty 060606
native persimmon licking my lips 060607
belly fire chapped 060607
birdmad stick 060607
leni stab 060608
flux bats 060609
birdmad Bela Lugosi 060609
silentbob dracula 060609
leni undead undead undead 060609
cocoon huh? 060815
jimmymagix Confusion 060816
cocoon chaos 060914
grendel order 060914
enrico(DOT)basilica@gmail.com lines 060915
silentlybroken grid 060916
flux net 060917
leni gross 060918
cocoon vomit (or the image of it in any case) 070215
birdmad comet 070215
gja tail 070215
crOwl pull 070215
silentlybroken Push 070217
gja drugs 070530
cocoon weed 070531
birdmad smoke 070531
leahcar lungs 070531
gja wheeze 070531
hsg tobacco 070601
huh ! break my habbit then ! 070601
hsg replace 070601
flux laplace 070602
Isaou astronomy 070602
gja monogamy 070606
Isaou Chastity 070606
cocoon Biblical

[Or 'virginal'. Or 'clean'. Or 'pure'. Those all came at once.]
Isaou False
[Sorry guys! It was honestly the first thing =)]
gja eyelashes 070607
Isaou [again] tweasers 070608
cocoon plucking 070609
Isaou chickens 070610
gja hungry 070705
cocoon food 070705
tessa fight 070705
native persimmon anger 070705
gja war 070706
Isaou peace 070706
tessa olive 070706
Cantremembertoforgetyou Tree. 070707
hsg solution 070707
gja problem 070707
isaou argument 070707
gja answer 070717
crOwl google 070718
Florian INFORMEDNESS 070718
jane highway 070806
flux destination 070806
gja none 070806
Isaou nun 070806
jane penguin 071015
crOwl hockey 071015
gja india 071016
z ink 071016
gja rotring 071017
ding dong (ha ha you can't spell !

yes, if you want to do a repeat then, you need to put it on an effing role, is it really that difficult to work out ?

ha ha you can't spell !)

continued word: blue print.
gja It was spelt correctly you ignoramus.
Try a simple search and find some of the worlds finest INK bearing instruments.
pro g yeah well in my world you spelt it wrong you know why, because it doesn't effing spell how it sounds.
ha ha you can't spell...

hokus pokus... blood and rats tails...
j {sigh} 071019
flux susurrus 071214
cocoon terry pratchett 071214
thejunketeer thud 071218
jane bang 071218
cocoon gun

[alternatively, the comic strip balloon saying BANG!]
thejunketeer razor
[sweeney todd on the brain]
crOwl scooter 071219
SleepieCloud scrubs 080805
belly fire hospital 080805
cocoon [red] cross 090205
BnB target 100618
o n m practice 100618
leahcar perfect 100618
cocoon failure (but i think my brain went more towards antonym than association really) 101123
jane error 101123
lostgirl correction 101126
gja Rehabilitation 101126
thorn drugs 101126
gja health 101127
belly fire mental 101127
ewww maths 101130
unhinged calculus 101130
cocoon integral 101130
lg essential 101130
gja service 101201
jane customer 101201
n o m e e request 101201
cocoon beg 101203
myke Control 101204
auburn panel 101204
gja judge 101204
unhinged guilty 101205
gja pleasure 101205
unhinged pain 101206
myke Relationship 110106
workinprogress. heart 110107
n o m e e ache 110107
workinprogress. break 110108
myke Dance 110108
workinprogress. party 110109
cocoon balloons 110109
myke Nitrous oxide 110109
jane dentist 110112
lostgirl drill 110112
cocoon spiral 110113
lg staircase 110113
gja storey 110113
workinprogress. never ending 110127
lostgirl time 110127
unhinged concept 110204
flux Thought under Binding 110725
jane bubble 110726
gja Blister 110726
no reason i had a dream last night that this girl and i had to take turns saying random words to an audience, and they had to respond with the first words that came to their minds when they heard our words.

the girl and i both said words at the same time, by accident: she said "sports" and i said "suicide."

the audience didn't know what to do.
PeeT very cool. 130113
flux (on the game we called "convergence": count to three, and both players say a word. a moment is spent trying to think of a word that has something to do with both of these words. then, on the count of three, both players speak their new word. the game continues until both players utter the same word.) 140819
flux blister → blood 140819
e_o_i thirsty 160709
gja desert 160711
cocoon dessert? 201110
gja occasionally 201111
cocoon sometimes 201112
e_o_i perhaps 201218
nr ingredient gradient ingrate great grate 211127
e_o_i cheese 211128
raze grin 211129
nr clown 211129
raze nose 220204
e_o_i freckled 220831
raze fair 220902
e_o_i just 241010
raze ice 241017
leaf black 250213
e_o_i bird 250214
what's it to you?
who go