raze i could clear you away. redistribute your elements, and trick myself into thinking you no longer existed. you'd still be around. you'd just be spread out a bit more effectively. and before too long, new clutter would rise up to take your place.

maybe you're worth more in your wizened state. maybe someday, when every home has become a museum, my bedroom will win an award for "best posthumous concentrated clutter".

not that a thing like that would serve much purpose for a cadaver well versed in the ways of decomposition. but it would be a nice gesture...
gabbie watching pieces of the past go away and loving every minute of it 130315
nr is charismatic and underrated 220119
tender_square his house, what used to be our house, has clutter and disarray in ways it didn't back when i used to live with him. me, the beachcomber at low tide collecting all the shells and sea life that had gathered, straightening up the shoreline. a losing battle, certainly, though i've tried. i hold my hands behind my back, for fear they'll run unconsciously amok and tidy up his bachelor life. no more hanging the bath mat, or centering the fake succulent on the coffee table. no more breaking down the empty amazon boxes on the dining table, or putting the washed pots away, or finding file folders for the paperwork. the backyard is in shambles after all the tree debris following the ice storm. i offered to help clean it when he wanted to ignore the chaos beyond the window. i still care for this house even though it doesn't belong to me anymore; i still take pride in the life we made here for a little while. 230224
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