c r 0 w l i don't try to shut things out, because i don't think that works very well. i prefer to let the thing come on in and do whatever it's going to do and then leave. if a big wave is coming at you, you're going to get wet. you can either withdraw into a little shell and pretend that you're not getting wet or you can just get wet and dry off. it's how i deal with things that i don't like. i outlive them. i haven't drowned yet. you've just got to wait. if something gets on my nerves, i just usually wait until it tires itself out and goes to sleep. 080105
jane the spin of the earth impaled a silhouette of the sun on the steeple
& i gotta hear the same sermon all the time now from you people
raze on songwriting:

"i don't really think about it in terms of language; i think about it more like shapes."
unhinged no_one_deserves_it
the shitty things that happen

people that think and feel this way die untimely deaths cause after awhile it just gets too fucking painful to watch people you love and yourself get shit on repeatedly
what's it to you?
who go