blue star and sometimes they come true, just a little bit. 030130
no reason a candle fell out of a picture frame and became a cartoon and started talking to me 030130
guitar_freak i drove in a car down the mississippi river last night. i didn't think that it would work- cars on water and all, but it did! 040118
lotuseater me and my friends fighting the orcs from the lord of the rings with machine guns. fuckin awesome. 040217
.fallen every single night....for a few months now.....without fail.....upon falling asleep I am whisked away to a slightly red tinted but otherwise dark area....I am layed out on a table, the restraints are invisible.....the serious eyes and honey coated smile are always the same as he filets me alive...and just about when he is done with all my skin I raise my head and thank him.....and then whammo off to other dreams I go. 040218
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl my dreams come true
its freaky and sometimes scary.
silly stoic I dreamed of a tower, ancient and vast
I dreamed I was climbing it with friends
but then I dreamed they fell
no that's a lie. I didn't
then I dreamed I ate ice cream
and had some tea as well.

no reason a woman walking behind me was freaking out and wanting to kill me because i didn't walk fast enough.

crazy sidewalk rage.
unhinged when i can remember them 040219
misstree i opened a door to see a lover performing oral_sex on God. 040219
eatpaper i sat down in a chair with 2 other people around me. i obtained a mug of green tea and started to add sugar and stir it. i kepts stirring it for a very long time and i couldn't understand what was happening. 040221
jane i had a weird dream last night. nobody could remember anything. this was due to a piece of space apparatus that crashed into the ocean. the streets were filled with water up to the chest. the only thing in the fridge was chocolate. i woke up and wrote it all down, thinking it would be fascinating to tell [of course it's probably not]. then i realized there was no conclusion 040222
0of46 i dreamt of a specific hand of poker that i played tonight, it wasn't deja vu

i dreamt about it about two weeks ago and i was like "i don't play poker, and if i did why would i be THERE with THOSE people?"

but i was, about 2 hours ago now...

flux if only i could remember them.. 040222
mon it seems the less
i sleep the more i dream

the past while has been crazy

one night i watched a few hundred people dying, big fiery explosion.
i told my mom about it,.. and then, however many days later, i was watching the news and,...well it seemed like a replay.

a few nights back i dreamed of twenty foot tall corn plants, they had football-sized potatoes growing on the roots...so now i'm thinking i'll grow the corn where the tators were last year, and put the tatoes where the corn was.

this morning i was all over the place..
too many things to try to remember here
i didn't sleep for very long
nom from blue: friggin_weird

in my dream
hundreds died
it was terror_bowl 040214

funny thing was how i edited my post down to three lines, deleting the bit about the explosion

i told my mom "about 200-400 people died in my dream, but hundreds survived". i told my dad afterwards as well, two days before the explosion. when we were watching the news i asked him "remember what i said?" and he nodded

well, i'm sure there are people dying in explosions all the time, it is a sad sad world,..but i don't often dream of things like this, explosions, hundreds dead and wounded, people fleeing for their lives, people rushing away, evacuating.

another time, a similar thing, it was a dream about bob dylan dying.

in my dream i was cleaning the bathroom in my old house when three canadian-russian ladies came in each bearing a gift for me. i was surprised, because i don't usually get visitors in the bathroom, i don't usually clean the toilet in my dreams (who wants to clean a toilet in their dream eh?).

the three ladies..
they told me (of all things) that bob dylan was dying,..
i thought it was a funny, an interesting dream. there was more but it's mostly irrelevant to the story.

well,..i told my family at the dinner table the next day,..
got a few laughs from everyone,.. and then minutes later it was on tv...
something along the lines of:
"...Bob Dylan is in the hospital tonight..."

later when i heard his comment "I really thought I'd be seeing Elvis soon." i thought, "woa!"

i have weird dreams
nom thing is, that happens a lot for me (and probably everybody really) with little things, little every day ordinary stuff in my life,..but it's not often that i dream of things like the above. 040222
pipedream oh yeah, that one about you and me being together forever, you being the 'it' man, things like that..uh huh. weird, weird dreams. 040223
guitar_freak my car died and there was a person who was chasing me down the highway. I ran and ran and this car pulled over and I jumped in. The car was full of people smoking weed but I needed to stay in the car because the person chasing me was trying to hurt me. I got stoned because they were hot boxing it and when I got home my mom was really pissed and she said that I relapsed. I didn't feel like I relapsed because I was just trying to stay alive and I had to get in that car. hmm so weird 040223
misstree someone tried to hurt the pixie cub. i am very protective of packmates, and i flew at them, not frenzying, but more dangerous than i ever remember being. 040223
birdmad before my trip to the hospital a couple of years ago, while i was mired in an almost inescapable sleep, i lived in a series of weird dreams... dimly lit afternoons in underground lairs, decadence, violence, debauchery as if it was a case of "all my sins remembered" but transposed into a time and place more akin to the writings of Burroughs

it was enough to make me wonder at times if i had not already died
bijou last night it was my ex boyfriend bringing home a girl to the apartment we still share. they couldn't understand why i was so rude to her. she was nice, offering me cassette tapes and candy. i didn't like her in my space and i wouldn't speak to either of them. 040223
flexible if ever i tell people of my weird dreams, they laugh at them, because they are laughable. but what i don't get, is that as there are obviously deeper meanings to things within them, people don't pick up/ comment on them.

for example, i recently had a dream in which a (very talkative, social butterfly) friend of mine left his mobile phone by the sink. noticing this, i strolled over, picked up the phone and began to read all of his text messages (coincidentally, they were written in frnech). to me, this says that i could well be jealous of his life and the scope of his friends.

it strikes me that people don't take dreams seriously enough. they are a window to your unconcious, and as such are valuable tools in deciphering the way you live. i tend to keep myself so guarded that my dreams are extremly expressive, and i dread speaking in my sleep in the presence of others.

my weird dream last night? it involved the ambiguous case of the sine rule, and goats.
Luke 21:31 when i was younger I had a reoccuring dream in which my family was killed by faceless men in black. The men never told me why but only said that if I did not answer their unasked question they would kill each of my family members in front of me. I repeatedly asked to be told what they wanted me to answer but everytime I heard the same response, "You know". 041210
what's it to you?
who go