lostgirl at me.

as you sat quietly sipping your merlot in front of the crackling fire,

your eyes were wide, strangely glinting with red, yellow and orange.

you looked afraid.

you looked as if
you had just seen a ghost.

did you?
unhinged the big sunglasses have been drawing too much attention lately; when i get on the bus to go to work my cloud of perfume follows me. i listen to the dead_weather or queens_of_the_stone_age and walk down the aisle like it's a catwalk. i saw you turn to look at me, but i am so through talking to strangers on or near a bus.

and when i got to work yesterday, in my pretty yellow tunic that makes all the boys crazy, the guy from the repair shop waved down the hall 'hey rockstar'

the swagger has a stiff
don't fuck with me
hint in it now
walls up
patience down
what's it to you?
who go