auburn I keep coming back.

I found one of my hand written journals the other day. It has a list of all of my ljs and passwords. I'm still too nervous to start unlocking those tombs.
auburn Does anyone else have lj?

Add me, so I can read you!

And if we are friends then my "friends only" stuff will be readable.
no reason this is weird, i just randomly posted about livejournal on blue. 120615
blather on lj there's also this, though it seems it's been dormant for quite some time now:
nr i miss when people updated these. there just isn't really an equivalent e-place to whine anymore. 170625
leif I read mine every now and then to remember who I've been. I write on tumblr now. 170626
raze this is the only community-based writing website (though that doesn't begin to encapsulate all blather is and has been) that's ever felt meaningful enough for me to stick with it. all the others have fallen by the wayside. i think livejournal was the last of them to get deleted, five or six years ago.

everywhere else, on some level i felt like i was writing for an audience, even if i didn't want to, and some amount of self-censorship would creep in because it. here it's always felt like i'm writing for myself.
raze (oh missing "of" between "because" and "it", where have you gone?) 170627
what's it to you?
who go