raze he didn't see her much in the place where you sometimes see people when you're not always you and they're not always them. that seemed about right. he didn't see her any other place. he hadn't for some time. he probably wasn't going to again. but once he did see her there, in that other place. she was who she was, and he was who he was, and she was trying to work out some notes someone else was playing on a piano white a notepad and a felt-tip pen. what is that, she said, a j and a k? he started screaming at her. there is no j. there is no k. a, b, c, d, e, f, g. those are the only fucking notes there be. he meant for it to cut, but he didn't mean for it to rhyme. the rhyme made itself out of scorn and spit. before he could calm himself and say, well, yes, there are sharps and flats, but g is as far as you're going to get with this truncated alphabet, she was writing what he'd said to her on his throat so she wouldn't forget, small black letters, soft as you like, giving him the rhyme back in a way he couldn't hear, in a place he couldn't see. 150108
raze "white" was supposed to be "with". WITH! WITH! WITH! jesus christ. new typos for the new year, i guess. either that or the name of the blathe wanted to see if it could make itself true. 150108
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