raze before i was born, and before he met my mother, my dad had a black cat named sniggies. when she was a kitten, she stuck her whole head inside his mouth every time he yawned.

he took her for a walk once to see if she liked being outside. he had her on a leash like a dog. she jumped so high he felt like he was flying a kite he couldn't control.

they didn't do that again.

if she thought he was sleeping in too late on the weekend, sniggies would jump up on the kitchen counter and open and close the cupboard doors until he got up. he went away one weekend and came back to find she'd torn open every bag of cat food and moved every pillow in the apartment to an arbitrary place. he left her enough food and water for the weekend. that wasn't the point. she looked at him and her face said, "don't ever leave me like that again."

he got a tree one christmas. sniggies was mystified by the tinsel. she decided it was food. she ate it all in one shot. her body sent it down the line without digesting it. she had trouble passing it, so my dad spent part of his christmas that year pulling a long string of sparkling thread out of his cat's ass.

if that isn't love, i don't know what is.
kerry this is amazing 211226
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