epitome of incomprehensibility
In "happy," I told how I bought supper for someone in the little metro-station store. Well, he was there again today and asked me if I could buy him something to eat. I was less than gracious. "But I did that last week." "But please." I hesitated. I was going in that store anyway to buy a chocolate muffin, and if I got a chocolate muffin, couldn't I buy him a sandwich? "Okay, but just a sandwich." He asked for a drink and I got him a Red Bull, just like last time, only last time he added three chocolate bars. How did I recognize him? From before, I had the impression of someone tall and thin and Black (I'm not used to the capital but it makes sense to disambiguate the literal and metaphorical meanings; his skin is a light brown). I didn't remember the facial hair but I recognized it when I saw him - he has a bit of a beard. As I wended my way to the escalator, I dubbed him The Supper Man.