raze boy ties girl to railroad tracks
on a dismal summer day
girl just smiles and wriggles free
then grows wings and flies away
unhinged terrified_of_being_sweet

just because i dont use them often doesnt mean i dont have claws.

there is a line
you shoved me past it
gja "the soft bigotry of low expectation".
How do you like those words?
Unbelievably - attributable to G W Bush.
flowerock I underestimated the difference a bed to sleep on can make. much better than the floor of a closet. dreams come more vividly and easily, cuddling is more possible. 140803
e_o_i Poor Bush - always misunderestimated. 140804
unhinged ( gw might have said those words but im willing to bet a rather large sum of money he didnt write them. fuck that douchebag. tax cuts for the rich. deregulation of all markets. financial collapse. birth of the tea party. thats what that puppet dumb ass gave this country. the worst economy since the great depression and a completely inert political climate. thanks. asshole) 140804
what's it to you?
who go