Alvarny We tend to be most cruel to those we want to love most... 050804
kyla Because We Are. 060725
raze "all cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness."

— tennessee williams
tender_square i breezed by the tenant and greeted the lawn guy, doled out small talk and a smile while he sat and smoked a cigarette on the edge of his trailer bed. the tenant paced and mumbled by his sedan, frustratingly shut out. i wouldn't even look in his direction or acknowledge he was around. i strolled to the mailbox and collected junk flyers while he looked on, muttering in misery. why should he take up any more real estate in my psyche, he already has my home. my analyst asked whether i'd forgiven the tenant. "i forgive myself for the circumstances that led to him being taken in," i hedged. "but i don't forgive him." an inch is a thousand miles to that man; boundaries require a strict adherence. i am not his buddy. my analyst suggested radiating love. "i guess that would mean i would have to stop giving the tenant the finger secretly every time i hear him come and go." a part of me has sympathy for this devil and his judgments. his righteousness is unchecked, his victimhood unparalleled; i see myself at my worst. i wonder what were the circumstances that led to this decline. and i consider the casual cruelty in ignoring a person desperate to be seen and accepted, when it could cost nothing (when it could cost everything) to give a graceful nod, to make eye contact and convey wordlessly that he is seen. 230720
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