epitome of incomprehensibility ...Trying to link the unlinked on radio_wisdom today got me thinking: why DID my sense of humour turn out both morbid and cutesy (alternatingly or together)? Is that how some elements of life appear to me? or how my dreams frame them?

Because sometimes the grimness is just by accident, as Margaret Atwood might observe.

Also childhood. Childhood is like that.

Age 4, watching the first Olympic Games that I remember: I sincerely thought the target shooters were shooting at other people, because the icons used to mark the score at the bottom of the TV screen were shaped like a person's head and shoulders. I distinctly recall a twinge, but only a twinge, of discomfort at that. I thought, "But isn't it wrong to kill people for something like this?" and then answered that thought, "It's the Olympics, so it must be allowed."

Child soldiers, anyone? But I wouldn't have been a great child soldier...unless I could be convinced the war was the Olympics.
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