raze the aluminum body with a heart of glass that's not quite napping on my lap will turn ten next month. its new fingers are already starting to lose their luster. there's a plume of smoke like a smeared halo snaking out of the head of the fifteenth letter of the alphabet and a dead caterpillar in the middle of the space bar. there are scratches on the screen that won't be buffed out. craters that only come clear when this vast unblinking eye clouds over. even with the souped-up engine a man with a croatian countenance threw under the hood a few years ago when the battery swelled up fat enough to start a fire and the old drive went bad, it locks up on me without warning. every ten days or so, after a steep slowing of the senses, everything stops. a good kick to the ribs always gets things up and running again. at_least for a while. i know one day it'll just go dark, and that'll be it. no more spinning beach ball. no more two-finger salutes. but i intend to go on riding this beast until it bucks hard enough to hurl me into the abyss. 230924
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