raze as terms of endearment go, this is the bottom of the barrel.

i probably wouldn't have such contempt for it if not for the person who used to call me "babe". but there a more hollow-sounding thing you can call someone? "babe" always sounds like a cop-out or an afterthought to me. i'd rather be called "honey", or "baby", or "angel food cake". i'd rather be called "hush-puppy salad", or "my little pile of fingernail shavings", or "mon petit puant sourise". anything but "babe".

if anyone ever calls me "babe" again, i will eat a raw potato and scream.
nr he calls me this. i don't mind so much because i know he means to be flattering/affectionate, but it's a jokey term and it lacks intimacy. the lack of which is really the root of this whole thing. 131008
i mean just the lack of. not the lack of lack of. yeah. 131008
epitome of incomprehensibility Hm. I don't think I'd ever call a boyfriend or girlfriend that. Partly because it reminds me of the movie with the talking pig. 131009
e_o_i (also, raze is reading my mind again. Namely the phrase "puppy salad" though not "hush puppy salad." Don't worry, it was for a metaphor, and no actual animals were harmed.) 131009
raze i like being an accidental metaphorical mind-reader! now i want to have business cards made up with that as my title, and pass them out at parties. 131009
what's it to you?
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