bloodjetpoetry mine has black wings and no face. she has an axe made of gold, pure gold. she guards me not, she waits for me, she haunts me, i wish her away. sometimes she is large, sometimes she is small.

-i wish her away
psychobabe he is the angel with the scabbed wings
hard-drug face, want to powder his nose
he will deflower the freshest crop
dry up all the wombswith his rock and roll sores
is what he is, he does what he please
the things that he has you'll never want to see
what you're never gonna be now
sketch a little keyholefor looking-glass people
you don't want to be him
you only want to see him
mommy's got a scarecrow, gotta let the corn grow
man can't always reap what he sow
"he is the maker"
(he is the taker)
"he is the saviour"
(he is the raper)
Get back your never gonna leave him
get back your always gonna please him
lulie Angel
Angel or devil
I was thirsty
And you wet my lips
alkaline trio you're an angeeell
you, you devil
pilgrim Lucifer, the bearer of light
Is said to assume many pleasing shapes
And was once the favorite of the Lord.
satan satan satan of course, i am the older son after all, i twas natural i would rebel against the favor on my brother

but i accept my role now and all is well
peyton I had a car crash once
We were trapped
The car was going to fill with water
I was going to die
An angel, who looked very normal to me
Tore a hole in the car
With just his hands
And pulled us free
All four of us
He carried us to the top of the cliff
From which we'd just driven off
And he left us in safety
Angels are real
And he touched me with his hands
It really happened to me
x um, you might want to lay off the drugs and pax tv. 020910
solitary Angel, you float
so silently above my head,
circling in patience while my years crawl by,
keeping hopeful watch,
waiting, as I do,
for our time to come.

How I miss your cheek next to mine in the morning.
spoons won't you call me... 040317
silentbob say im not the only 040318
what's it to you?
who go