Jesse has been a really good friend of mine for a long time, it seems like. there has never been a time when she hasnt been there for me since we started being friends, but thats just the kind of person she is. im all fucked up so i could talk forever...Love you Jolie 020403
hap-py hap-py hap-py jesse likes to see the little children dance upon the trees 020404
silentbob reminds me of jennifer 020404
jess christ jolie i hope you get back soon. it seems like you've been gone forever, no one has done any crazy shit around here lately, its pretty dull. 020406
jolie thanks, jess. its good to know I have real friends. WEll, I'm back now for a couple days, and no crazy shit is happend yet, and you know what IM typing because youre standing behind the reading it. ok. bye. 020409
mini hmmmm 020521
jolie rollie pollie there is a limrick....

the nights that I drink I get drunk
my mother says I am a punk
pastie pale and rotten ale
makes me puke in the morning

alright I dont really think thats a "proper" limrick,,,,,I dont now the syllable count or even how to spell syllable
miiiidg just checkin 020522
jolie im back again 021022
glad... now stay longer dammit yayyyy! 021022
soylent red (blather is people) whether or not you are the jolie that silentbob and i thought you might be

stay longer anyway

yeah, dammit
sweetheat of the song tra bong jolie = pretty
in French

angelina = pretty
silentbob we pretended to kiss for a skit, i put my hand over her mouth the way you do with your friends when you're little and pretending to kiss. anyway, after a while of overacting this dramatic make out session in an imaginary restarant, i noticed jolie's tongue was very sensually licking my hand. i think about that every time i talk to her now. 021024
jolie just cheaking shit out 021114
jolie I don't think Im the jolie you think I am.....but its fun to pretend
makebeleive anyone?
a wize old wuzzard love the daisies. They're harmless as the penguins 021114
mallory I've always wanted to know somebody named jolie 021126
jolie just checkin in 021129
jolie just checkin my page 030310
m#$% im back Im gonna leave 030317
me293 at least it isn't angelena....that bitch is ugly 030317
yolen i hate my life today 030326
manson my ears leak sometimes when they don't get cleaned 030402
redrum ....... 030403
jolie no one has written anything under my name is no long....C'mon! gimme some entertainment!!! Please? 030424
jolie I'm just looking on with unintrest 030501
jolie what doesn'tkill you makes you want todie....I like that, bijou 030505
jolie I'm so fuking tired. I can't think strait 030513
jolie summers well on its way....and I still am not happy. This has never happend before... 030713
lizard king i wish she knew i was alive. 031002
Jess rolie
Jolie bean!
Ha i havent called you that in a long time, i think i need to start again...then again..maybe not :|
raina its been to gone, and you've gone too far. 031206
jolie that shit makes me hork 050224
jolie the blue is comming downtown 060325
what's it to you?
who go