bijou woot, woot! 020311
bijou is indeed amazing if i had to choose only one person's blathes to read, they'd be yours. 020311
silentbob love 020311
bijou love, *sigh*, woot. 020314
do you know? i wonder if you really know how amazing your words are. 020314
silentbob should make me a fugazi tape 020316
i miss her should blathe more. 020317
bijou one fugazi tape, coming up. 020322
bijou woot. indeed. 020322
please blathe more i've really missed you. 020325
silentbob is beautiful and wonderful and all those hyperboles 020325
bijou is losing it it's the first day of my second life 020409
silentbob loves you I finished your tape 020409
bijous red medicine your eyes like crashing jets fixed in stained glass 020518
bijou westerberg your eyes like sparks and my heart like gasoline 020520
bijou to brazil alive with planes and passing ships soft and sweet along your lips now 020713
mon i really like your writing bijou
just thought to mention it!
stephanie_s sparked the mention
silentbob i wish i had a notification email every time you blathered. 041207
aM i DiStUrBeD? bijou we love you
raze i doubt you'll ever be back this way, but somewhere between mulberry_street and the_cabin it struck me that i've never read a blathe of yours that hasn't moved me in some way.

i wish you were still here. i'm grateful for all the words you left behind.
what's it to you?
who go