silentbob Silent Bob for a Silent reason

it’s best not to think about it


It’s best not to talk about it

Sorrow sorrow sorrow

best just to ignore me

Mixed signals

mixed feelings

it’s best just to go along with it

I’ll get over it soon

don’t worry about him

he’s just quiet
birdmad a kool kid.

reminds me of a less screwed-up version of myself

but i've said that in blue before too
j_blue a kool-aid kid 010125
chanaka everyone should talk to him sometime..... 010125
fallen oh silent one...but silent is not the right word....for I hear... your fists pounding upon the walls....I can hear you fighting those demons with a fury's passion....oh...and he calls himself....silent...bob....silentbob.....with the thumping heart.....the maddening pulse.....such site....insight beyond his years....oh he struggles.....the decent....decent?...but no....the fates shall raise him up....up...up...and triumphant....he will sing.....sing out in such sweet torment....and he calls himself silent.... 010125
guitar_freak impossible to beat that one 010131
stupidpunkgirl hey bobby, my mom said that you reminded her of silent bob. and i told her you would be happy to hear that, since you use it as a screen name. 010201
silentbob awesome 010201
kendera i'm so vain.
i really want all the blatherkids to sign my guestbook. is that too much too ask for?
i'm a vain independent love provider.....
kendera sorry bobby, that's not supposed to be under your name. i was gonna make it under "vain".

ah, well......
silentbob dont worry :) 010202
blue star I don't really know you. I've talked to you on ICQ once or twice, argued with you on blue blather, and been to your website, but I really don't know how I knew you before blather... it's just weird. But I think you're cool, I like you... I hope you don't hate me or anything, cuz then this would be really annoying... 010203
silentbob Who are you?? 010204
fallen where are you? 010303
silentbob im in ames visiting my sister
i have email access
chanaka if you are in ames, you should come visit me. my roomate needs a good scare. 010304
brown cardigan boy has a cookie dough stomach and it turns me off. 010305
mikey cool guy. respect him as a good writter. 010310
michelle* very unique......hummmm....... 010414
jennifer bobby wobby pooky poo
I think he hates it when I call him that
silentbob no way, i get all giddy when you call me that 010415
COLDandBLUEkitty one of my best buddys..
i adore you bobby.
silentbob and i you miss meghan
you are forever in my heart
the swinger of birches sat with me on the bus last week and struggled with the adolesence of poetry. making words out of rattles and clanks. and then spoke some more and pondered Greyhound, because i told him it was great, even better than flying and that you met some cool people. and he was consumed with the thought of this girl i saw who was traveling solo with her guitar and knapsack and it was great. then we went to an art show and i had great fun, as did he talking to this girl on crack while i mused with this girl doris, contemplated bisexuality and watched a really good looking sufer wanna be, who also could have very possibly been bi. after the fun was over, we took the shitty bus ride home and then made conversation on our bee stung stay, and how much we loved the people we met, and i felt a bit contented. for once. but then it was over and i fell back into the same old terminal rut of hope that i have been in since the beginning of last fall. when i met michael and that is something i'll tell later. 010430
Dafremen Is....Silent Bob.
One of the few teenagers I know that knows how to whine like a MAN when he whines.

One of the few people I've seen here who seems to know that people trying to GUESS as to whether or not you WERE crying is ten times more effective than actually crying in front of them.

A guy who among other things should probably get LAID more than he does.

He's basically...well...he's Silent Bob
translucent bobby, you so sexy... 011012
misstree makes me feel all warm and tender, makes me want to heal his hurts, makes me want to drink in his genius like a delicate white wine. 011014
silentbob makes me want to wrap myself in a comforter (any one will do) put on the ben folds (any one will do) plummet myself onto my bed (anyone will do) and go to sleep and have sweet sweet dreams. (any one will do.) 011015
unhinged bob :(

i would drive crazy distances to see a soul not in this soggy cat valley
misstree not quite silent...
setting forth more words into this mist than most of us, i daresay,
but each word has a weight,
as if whispered,
and all the monkey chatter,
in this one,
is silent.
pralines&cream It's funny how these blather societies evolved, and silentbob somehow became their co-ringleader ... wow ... economics don't apply here though. 011211
silentbob what blather societies? 020106
pralines&cream The cliques, the friendships, the haves and havenots. You know it. 020106
daxle I think it's only a matter of being neutral and nice. The less people find you obnoxious, the more popular you get. Dialogue in blathes is also key (which I find annoying, which makes me less "popular", but good riddance!) 020107
sarpedon what does this dialogue look like? 020107
daxle see above 020108
pralines&cream Where are you?

*sad face*
silentbob here i am. 020115
pralines&cream oh, there you are.

*happy face*
lulie Music King. 020401
the swinger of birches a metamorphousis of a larva into a bee. he reminds me of a man digging through the trash looking for love's dirty laundry only to scoop it up, take it home, and at his greatest effort, retrieve the beautiful thing that existed before it became soiled and damaged. collecting the pollen of philosophy on the bottom of his sneakers, digesting it, and then without notice, spreading the yellow dust till it fertilizes the minds of lessers like me. i miss you. 021018
jolie I've seen your words under all the same ones I go to, but noticed under my name. You're interesting, and obviously dedicated to blather for as much as I see you. Keep your chin up. There will be a time when you don't feel you need to be silent anymore, then the rage will come in torrents. I know that better than most. Be careful, dont let it get you in trouble. 021114
mcdougall I have always imagined you as being older then me. How old are you? Just so I have a correct mental image.

Also, I have enjoyed reading what you write for over a year now, on both red and blue. Thanks
Silentbob20 what? there's a BLUE blather? 030121
Raina I want t feel your hands on my....your skin under mine....the things you make me think would have me condemned, but the passion my fantasies hold for you is unreal 030310
silentbob you should email me and that would be really really cool 030311
een stom kind the reason for me getting into alkaline trio. 030314
Raina I'm still thinking about you....or who I'm imagining you are.... 030320
kinkazoid my dogs name is bob.. and he doesnt talk very much but he does slobber allot 030320
loca jay? 030324
raina and the wind cried... jolie 030324
jolie you should all read the with page 030324
jolie raina.... why is the wind calling me? 030324
raina because I want a 3some with you and silent bob 030324
Damien the tiger lily ate the tulips, while the bread and butterflys ate my jay and silent bob strike back DVD!!!!!!!! DAMN THE BREAD AND BUTTERFLYS!!!!! 030324
mayhew whine whinw whine....I want my wine wine wind.....Sorry everybody, that was gay. Sorry silentbob for polluting you page with my bullshit. (as I leave closing the door I say sheepishly...)
jolie *blink*blink* alright? (I'm so confused) 030324
silentbob im very amused

whats this about a three_way? Where and when will it occur?
marxist fool i love to love you 030326
jolie it seems, silentbob, that we are wanted in a 3 way....why I'm not exactly sure...this chic sounds pretty (freaky) 030326
silentbob well i'm game 030326
gay gary yay!Jay....sorry thats gay 030328
jolie *laughs* I guess I am too.....after all, this is blather is it not? To hold anything back would be to hinder its progress....I don't want to be responsible for that.... who is this raina chick anyway? 030328
silentbob i don't know she wont email me for some reason 030328
jolie hmm....Who knows....maybe she's really a dude....I'm so bored now. school is dragging on. 030401
raina I'm no dude.....I'm not all that freaky either....sorry to be a disappointment...I live to serve, 030402
Marsion what is all this? 030404
jane is online right now but i don't have the guts to ask him the question 030404
wemmy make shift the make shcift
the cow puked under the tree
the butcher
the baker
the candlestick maker
sorry...that was gay
silentbob what is the question ? ask me anything 030423
tooth fairy broken arms....I'm so sorry 030424
jolie raina's afraid you've lost intrest 030425
jolie Jynx_my_cat love everyone...all of you, even those who hate him 030425
jd beside jd he'll always be, and with all my hearth I beleive him 030501
jane ah well it's very late now and i don't remember what i wanted to ask you 030507
silentbob no, i never really lose interest i just get distracted temporarily 030507
raina I miss you.....I want to hear from you again... 030515
silentbob hi. you are hearing from me again 030515
eapoe quoth the roven
jane if it ever comes back to me i won't hesitate to ask 030523
madrain I think I love something....not someone....but something......... 030527
silentbob what is it 030527
lowry lou .............? I guess I just don't understand 030619
silentbob me neither. 030620
somebody I have developed a blather_crush on him. 031024
filing cabinet hemispheres Silent Bob is great by himself, but he is juxtaposed by Jay, and much more loveable with a contrasting companion. We all need a Jay. Or maybe a Silent Bob. 060525
crOwl letters_to_you 060528
raze i very much approve of your robust beard. 130604
what's it to you?
who go