alice buuuuuuuuuuuullllll shit!!!!!

is it two words or one? either way its fun to fuck with people and yell it out of the blue when their talking to ya. hahaha
ths sound of money talking ...walks 020714
femme everything is b u l l s h i t 030415
kerry clients tell you they want you to "call" them on their "bullshit." i suppose this means they want you to hold them accountable, point out blind spots, push against their assumptions.
but sometimes denial or innocence sounds like bullshit. a 21 year old girl hopes that one day, not too far in the future, her parents will recognize how hard she's worked, that she's done what they demanded she do. they will eventually be proud of her and accept her. but she's also admitted that she was never hugged as a child. she doesn't know what it's like to be enveloped and doted on.
what you can't say is: "parents who love their children don't hand them a knife when they say they want to kill themselves."
what you can't say: "your parents will never be able or willing to express love and pride in the way that you deserve."
what you can't say: "you will never be satisfied with them."
all you feel you can safely say is that we can't change other people.
tender_square i said i didn't know why i ascribed that my ex held more wisdom and intelligence than i possessed in myself, why i held his opinion to a higher standard than my own. he has criticized me for not being logical, for not having gone through enough on my own as an adult, statements that fly in the face of reality. "you're realizing it's bullshit," my analyst said. "and you're wanting your ex to stop doing what he's doing, yet you keep turning to him and offering what you hold in the hopes that he won't." wouldn't you believe that someone who has loved you could know you better than yourself, and that they would not offer advice or perspectives that diminish your own light? 230509
what's it to you?
who go