Sonya I don't know where everyone is. I do not visit blather as often as I used to. There are times when I miss it dearly and thus I am here.

Sometimes I wish I knew who you were. Yes you...and you too. I wonder about your everyday lives. What is it like for you once you wake up? Where do you go? What do you have to get done? Who are you meeting at the end of the day for dinner or a movie or maybe just a quick chat?

Do you like smoothies? Are you familiar with Goethe? There are so many things I could ask...

Still, this is the only real link between us. I hope you continue to write. I know I will continue to read. Though silent I am still here...feeling.
crOwl this is amazing, compassionate writing deeply appreciated.

magpie hurts_so_good 040528
mangrove everyone is here without you. we are here around you. we are here within you.

you don't need to visit blather often. if you are one of us then blather is a way of thinking, a way of living, a soul. it stays with you whether you think of it as blather as something else. there is always that little spark of beautiful pure blather sitting there waiting for you. that's us. that's you.

so what i'm saying is that you know who we are, even when we don't and even when you don't know who you yourself are. we are blather. a little bit of speech in the silence, a little star in the night sky.

when we wake up we see a million places separately at once. we see a million faces and hear a million voices.

and yes, we like smoothies, and goethe just might be one of us. you never know.

so yes, you don't know specifics about us, but you know specifics about yourself. use your imagination to fill in the parts we don't fill in ourselves. use your dreams to pick up the fallen red leaves.
user24 if I died, none of you would know.

carpe ignis we wouldnt know but i would miss you.
i know im a total stranger to you
however, i respect your words and i thought you should know, even though you hear this all the time.
crOwl red leaves. wow.

that's a perfect way to describe this recent red_blather insurgence. all this amazing writing. we love it!

it's like how we love to go to the nassau inn at princeton. get lost in each other and our celebrity is disguised for a few days.

well, here we are, as northern

california is to southern.

berkeley/los angeles
Alvarny I hear but I cannot touch. I can be heard, but I cannot be touched. Here is a place where the distance of safety in life has become a cell, where personal space has trapped us in.

My respect for your words, and your respect for my thoughts; respect for entities divorced from our very selves.

Yet I feel boundless gratitude within me as I read, much as every post is like a passing smile, a sidelong glance, a silent acknowledgement of each other.

Would I have missed these words if they were never spoken? Would I have mourned for your non-existence? I doubt I would miss something I never knew existed.

Would I be impoverished should you remained silent? Would I be any lesser should you not exist? Yes, for these frank confessions mean something to me.

They tell me that perhaps I am not alone in feeling the way I feel, to be proud that I feel the way I do.

Beautiful, is it not, to be a shade of red in this mosaic of words? Strange, is it not, to touch and be touched through this silkscreen of red... and to yearn for more?

Write on....
Sonya The emotion is overflowing and pouring over into the next bowl.

It's enough to water the flowers in the garden of written thoughts.

And the red leaves keep falling...falling ever so softly.

continues to write, and read.
unhinged it seems early for this but the drought was more severe this year. i quickly gathered a few and shoved them into my purse to take home for a new leaf collage. they didn't make it home in tact but i'm pressing them, gonna use them for a collage anyways. 210909
what's it to you?
who go