cr0wl chopin...some mornings just need this kind of wistful beginning... 090530
unhinged this morning my wistful beginning:

the album grace by jeff_buckley
after reading a bunch of very old emails i've saved over the years
many of which were from skites
(kev, sab, mahayana to name a few)

i have learned not to save those kinds of things
to let_go
push delete
but in the wistful rereading
i realize what i've been crying over lately
mourning for
the days when i wasn't afraid to love
the people i wasn't afraid to love

'i love you
but i'm afraid
to love you'
log burning fire listened to it again on a scratchy phonograph in the basement of a library somewhere in the upper east side. this time it was a call, an urgent thrust to be oneself.

off i go
today a clown show
what's it to you?
who go