raze in volume ten of "prosaiske skrifter (prosaic writings)", published in 1861, danish philologist and historian johan ludvig heiberg quotes from what appears to be a poem entitled "bolemit with grundtvig":

"hold fig smukt til facta, kjære!
lad motiverne gaae frie!
du bør iffe blathed lære
i de andres compagnie"

which translates to something like this:

"stick to the facts, dear!
let the motives go free!
you should have learned to blathe
in the company of others"

"blathe" is the only word that stays the same while having fun_with_google_translate and warping danish into mangled english, proving blather transcends all barriers of language and time, and leaving me to wonder if in the nineteenth century there was a secret community of proto-'skites scratching out their thoughts and dreams with fountain pens and passing notes to one another.

(this probably sounds like something silly i made up. i swear to you it's true. i did an internet search for the word "blathed" to see what would happen, and this is what i found.)
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