mon i was running we were running we ran
the trees became a train station
i talked with mao's grandson he explained and signed our quarantine papers told us we would be expected across the borderline there was an egg on the seat at the back of the train it boiled in my hands i broke it in half and found a little white mouse instead of yellow yolk i cupped it in the palm of my left hand closed then opened it was still there but now this tiny little pink-nosed mouse had become three and two jumped off away under a crack into the sunlight i tried to keep but they escaped and i knew i couldn't catch them so i fixed my eyes ahead looking to the other seats empty as the train started moving wondering if anyone at the next station would believe us about Mao's grandson
sans nom the loom warping the moon 040423
nom every_night_mares 040423
Fido Rumblings in the dark
stark mumblings tumbling
to the city floor scum wash
gutterway to nowhere and everywhere
all at once by pitied creatures
crusted over similar features
to what was us and is them and will
be death to all or all to death
there is no sin in breath
there is no zen in death
it is all lost and found in us
caught and released beneath
these deep city streets to nowhere.
in here one call to home is worth
one lifetime there
to hear mother's voice wishing
whatever well wishes mothers wish
to sons and daughters swimming in this
shitstorm drenched penny pinched
shadow of life reflecting after
hope set on its many horizons.
poison is its hold, cold is it's grip
but all for one we grip one dream for all until all are gone, drip for drip
what's it to you?
who go