raze good advice from william faulkner:

"read, read, read. read everythingtrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. read! you'll absorb it.
then write. if it's good, you'll find out. if it's not, throw it out of the window."
raze "what writing is all about is what happens on the page between the reader and the page ... what i want is a collaboration, really, with the reader on the page where the reader is also making an effort, is putting something of himself into it in the way of understanding, in the way of helping to construct the fiction that i am giving him."

— william gaddis
unhinged one of my favorite classes in college was based on that faulkner quote. the prof assigned us books to read and then we had to try to write in the same style.

i wrote a short story about experiencing racism as a white person.

as i went to leave my last class, that prof told me i could take any class i wanted from him.

ive been reading a lot of shambhala teachings and harry potter. my young self colliding with my more grown_up attentive self.

ive been writing needed_reminders
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