epitome of incomprehensibility
I'm turning into a blob of nostalgia because the record player is working and my brother put on Mahalia Jackson's Christmas album. In years back, this was a staple. I have specific memories about a few lines. In the first (?) song there's something about "a heart of gold" in the lyrics, which made me think of the Neil Young song. And in another, there's the sentence "we are nestled / in your sweet embrace" and I remember joking about how "are nestled in" sounded like "Onesimus" (oh-ness-i-muss) who is a minor character in the New Testament. Go to Christian school, be nestled in Onesimus' sweet embrace. That sounds about right. It's like the joke about "saving yourself (in this context, one's virginity) for Jesus" and then "just as soon as I get my time machine working." Now it's on "do you hear what I hear?" which has drums but is pretty non-syncopated. "Little drummer boy" sorts of drums. Now it's jazzier, even though it's on the old-school hymn "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" - Jackson's voice was great for that sort of full-bodied gliss-gliding gospel thing.