raze i need relative silence in order to sleep...i've never been able to fall asleep listening to music, as tired as i've been at times. some sound always ends up jarring me awake at the last second before dipping down to a murkier level of consciousness.

i have a friend who would regularly fall asleep listening to aphex twin's "selected ambient works vol. 2" (maybe she still does), and i always thought that sort of music would make for the most interesting and strange dreams...i'm content with the strangeness and variety of my dreams as they stand, but have always wondered what kind of influence music would exert and how it would alter the shape of things.

what do you listen to when you're falling into sleep?
cr0wl lately i've been turning on the public classical station and setting it to 30 minutes. i never hear it past the first song. zzzzzzz...huh?wha? oh....zzzzzzzz! 091025
what's it to you?
who go