slothisily and there she stood
at the edge of the lake
the night wrapped her in his arms and she began to tremble
ripples moving in moving out
daring to gobble her up
she stood waiting for the moment the lake opened up and sucked her in
hiding her in its deepest, darkest depths
she stood waiting for the inevitable
she stood waiting for her future
"what do you want from me?"
she cried out in vain
"we want what you want we want what you want we want what you want wewantwhatyouwant" the stars the moon the night the trees the lake seemed to mumble in reply
slothisily he stood on the other side
contemplating his current situation
the night breeze burned his face
and he felt the lump in his throat
he couldn't seem to get over his sense of hopelessness
he looked through the night and savored the beauty of the darkened landscape
he thought he heard a faint echo from across the lake
"what do you want from me?"...
'i want love, that is all' he thought. 'isn't that what everyone wants?'
the realization brought tears to his eyes
he turned around and sauntered back to his home, back to his life
what's it to you?
who go