once again You take a tiny pebble and you drop it into a calm pool and the ripples spread.

ever outward.

And the pebble is gone.

but the ripples spread.

ever outward.

make good ripples.
acidshank everything was in ripples!
it all came in that ripple package , with the ripples on the inside. thats my world.
eat id Funny how one life can translate so easily into the next.
No, not easily - seamlessly.
Funny how life can translate so seamlessly into the next.
Say that enough times and it starts to sound believable. Like Bennet can sound like a name you might give your son. Or Bennett. Yeah, that looks better.
You can shorten it to Ben without it being Benjamin.
Funny how life can translate so seamlessly into the next. This life that has grown out of the seeds of other full grown lives...composted lives. Does that make the friends from those lives composted friends? Have they gone to seed?
It's strange to have her gone so completely from my life. Yet she is still here with me in so many ways. The isms of our friendship remain, the quirky words we made up are still part of my vocabulary. Hockey and Hallowe'en have arrived...and it brings about an almost empty feeling. If only I hadn't been so empty to begin with.
I can't help the fact that my emptiness has been filling with new things. The richness of my past has grown new everything.
I reach for you.
And love you still.
I love you in my every day.
One day to the next.
megan you touch me from miles away

with the calm cool realization that you're never very far off
leni big ripples roll
they are less than small waves
shining grey and green back
to the earth's ceiling

you are a warm terry-towelling being
on my lap

the ripples whiten as the sky brightens
and a boy runs over wet grass yelling
i found it i found it i found it

mirror thin puddles
in the corner
of each terracotta tile
show white with shadow fence stripes

tiny ripples when drips fall
concentric growing
quick then gone

a draft enters
through the screen
fresh and wet

you study your hands
what's it to you?
who go