dingbat His visage dances in my inner vision

His laughter haunts my ears and penetrates my dreams in the stillness of slumber

A reoccurring dream is the picture of me reaching everupward, my hand stretching...



I know I will never have him within my grasp again.

Forever still, he will captivate me.
neverender You're the dream that hasn't ended
And i'm still anxious for rest
Your words, they seem to hang above my head
You're the bud before the flower unfurls into full bloom
Captivating beauty
But it may be all too soon.
You're the song that writes a story
But leaves a lot to read
The closest thing to perfect
But the farthest thing from me
silentbob you had me caught in your stare
and i wondered what the fuck it was about you girl that had me so hooked
you said i had such blue eyes
and i wondered if it was cuz you had a few beers in you
but right then i really want to bridge the gap between our lips
because i think at that moment it would have been worth it.
what's it to you?
who go