Anna_Began Blather Red is dying. 030929
birdmad it goes through slow days,
it goes through long ones sometimes, it is, in it's own way, more like the early days of blather in that respect, click on one of the old dates in blue and see what i mean
Bespeckled It's so alive. 030930
that shadow over there i don't think that's what she meant about slow days and long days.
i think maybe she meant it's not beautiful or artful anymore. and thoughts and blathes dont always have to be artful. but maybe she meant that everything has a certain emptiness to it.
birdmad even that's something of a cyclical thing, but i don't think it helps blather if we become mired in endless debates over it's relative health 030930
silentbob everything you do is cute 030930
. i wasn't involved in an endless debate of any sort. i was just sharing what i felt anna_began was trying to say. 031001
amy you see what you expect to see. there's a horrendous number of perspectives. every time i'm in this internet cafe they play music i like... how did i go about coming to that conclusion, i have to ask myself. 031001
Anna_Began Blather Red is mourning the loss of former poets and artists... but maybe not dead completely. 031002
symbol junky i'll be back to kick the bucket around tonight, if that's any comfort 031003
jane put on some
rose colored glasses

you'll see otherwise

a cycle of
& death
somebody it feels like the writing is more for yourself
unlike blue
maybe it's just me
mcdougall We should not think of death and destruction, weather it be of a person an idea or an object, as an end. Instead view it as an increase in maturity and evolution, taking people, ideas and objects to the next level of their existence.

Blather, die? Never
spoons it's been awhile... 031117
silentbob to many chains_of_underscores 031118
silentbob here on mars "to" translates to "too" 031118
what's it to you?
who go