epitome of incomprehensibility A young mad scientist with blond hair has a plan to kill everybody on earth except for his two co-workers: his friend and the woman he has a crush on. Apparently when he's the only guy on earth, she'll fall for him (and not for his friend).

Thankfully, he doesn't end up killing anybody. Instead he goes to another planet with the two. There he discovers that he finds the woman ugly; because she was an idea to him and not a real person, she could shapeshift at will and become different people. So he builds a hot female android instead.

The twist? The android really summoned him to her planet, if not outright fabricated, him (it's not clear whether he's a robot or not at the end) - just because she wanted to have an evil mad scientist boyfriend. And so they lived confusingly ever after!
e_o_i Wait, no, that makes no sense. It should be "when the mad scientist is only one of two guys on earth" (and it's Movie Logic that the leading lady can't fall for a mere sidekick). 150410
e_o_i An iconic movie moment: a man played by a hybrid of Benedict Cumberbatch and Cilian Murphy is about to kiss another man in a hotel hallway. The movie is set in the days when being gay was illegal. A cop walks in, and the other man slumps over in a faint - moreover, the bones inside him turn to jelly, so that he slumps over Benedict/Cilian's arm like a Salvador Dali clock.

This image isn't quite the new Pieta or crucifixion, but it's close.
e_o_i This one was sort of the above, and sort of like Karl_Barth's_sister. I kissed the other person, we got married, and then were separated by circumstances (my mom, maybe? I remember more of the momentary transparent pizza situation, because that one I wrote down in a notepad.)

What is it with these dreams and the Unhappy Gay Marriage theme? Is the production company of my mind unwilling to depict happy gay marriages? What is it afraid of? Transparent pizza??
e_o_i This one's actually a dream movie review. I'm reading it in an online magazine. The film's set in a post-apocalyptic future, and the review scoffs at the apparent misogyny in the premise: the redeeming action-type (e.g. violent) solutions of the male characters are offset by the conniving compromises of the female ones. (The language is flowery like that.)

Specifically, one "so-called down-to-earth female character" gets by through selling drugs. The review notes that "Crack cocaine is like calcium carbonate: it brings you back to life and then kills you."

Calcium carbonate??
e_o_i Edited from the regular dreamy page, here's my not-too-tragic but incomplete gay romance. I'm in love with my gymnastics partner, and I'm afraid my mother will become suspicious that I'm meeting her more often for rehearsing our artistic pole vaulting/trampoline routine than is strictly necessary.

It's a mutual love, albeit only expressed in complicated acrobatics rather than physical affection. Things are uncertain and left unsaid. She wears bright colours, calls herself a girl - she's my age, but chromatically 20. Your chromatic age can be different than your literal one. Also, she's more flexible and can jump really high. Gravity appears to be low on Planet Dream Movie, though, so I can do epic jumping things too.
e_o_i The predominant genre seems to be "surrealist romantic comedy" which is odd because I haven't had that many romances and the closest thing to a surrealist romantic comedy I've watched is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. 180416
e_o_i New e_o_i: now without commas.

Anyway, the dream movie starts like this: when I discover I'm about to marry someone I don't know, my first worry is: "For the wedding I'll have to shave my legs and I don't have time right now."

My groom-to-be's name is Alexander, and he has long blond hair. When I meet him, I think, "Oh, he has long hair, he could be a woman."

At first I think this is an improvement, but some snarky voice in my head is saying, "Boobs will not fix this situation!"

It dawns on me that the stressful part is marrying someone I don't know, but then I discover I'm in a romantic comedy and the person I'm really engaged to is Alexander's square-jawed, dark-haired brother. It's not that he's more conventionally handsome, though the movie treats it that way: he's just a different type of stereotypical handsomeness. I repeat: how will X physical attribute make things better? But I am only acting, after all.
e_o_i Hm, I wrote a while ago that the main genre of these things was tragedy, not comedy. Oddly, when my dreams are structured like movies, or when I'm acting in a movie in a dream, they ARE usually romances. Surrealist queer romances. There, that's a genre. Beautiful Losers, Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars, etc. 180416
epitome of incomprehensibility I'm myself, except I'm J.R.R. Tolkien. With C.S. Lewis, I'm part of a club of atheist sci-fi writers who promote science and defeat evil. Confusingly, the latest evil seems to be some sort of supernatural force, but that plot line gets pushed aside when Einstein comes to visit.

Einstein has a confession to make: the only reason C.S. Lewis and I are living in 2018 is because Einstein reset the universe.

(Oh, and Einstein is a woman now. She was a man in her two previous lives. In her third, she was born into a male-appearing body but transitioned when she was young. She says that she's not sure why she's a transwoman in this universe when in her other two lives she never felt she wanted to be a woman - it wasn't only a matter of the hormones, surgeries, and social acceptance being absent in the early 20th century. But resetting the universe can change a lot of things.)

So yes, resetting the universe. Einstein lived his life. He (he was a he in that life) was still aware the moment he died, and realized that he had died. Being dead is like floating in space, apparently. Not nothingness - you can see the Milky Way and splashes of stars.

Anyway, after he died his life restarted from birth. TIME restarted, at least in his consciousness. He was reborn the same year he was originally born and having the same life - except now he was aware of his previous one. He found the whole repeat thing incredibly frustrating, especially when he was a small child and didn't have the power to make his life very different from what it was before. Later, when he grew up and gained some autonomy, he used his physics knowledge to restart the universe so he wouldn't be stuck in an eternal time loop.

And that's why, in 2018, Lewis and Tolkien aren't long-dead fantasy writers who held Christian beliefs and lived (mostly) in England. That's why they are, instead, atheist thirty-somethings who live in an indeterminate North American city, writing (or planning to write) sci-fi novels. The first Lewis and Tolkien existed, Einstein insists - in fact they were the real versions - but Einstein basically destroyed them when she (as he) restarted the universe.

This takes a while to explain, but I accept it, even down to the statement that I'm not living in the "real universe." That, I think, actually explains a lot.
e_o_i And Einstein feels guilty about restarting the universe for her/his own selfish ends. But I was just thinking... if he/she did so in the 1930s - Einstein's second 1930s - would that mean that World War 2 did or didn't happen? I mean, it happened in Einstein's first life, but did that really count? Did either life count after the universe restart? DID EINSTEIN WIPE HITLER OUT OF EXISTENCE?? Now I want to know.

...Anyway, I had the above dream when I was just coming down with a cold, and it (the dream) was unusually rich and absorbing. Not snotty at all. Maybe I should get sick more often. But my lingering sinus headache says no. It also says I should go to sleep.
e_o_i More like dream_fanfiction? The Fellowship of the Ring, according to my dream mind early this morning:


My brother and I are watching this on a TV set. It's the part just after Frodo is stabbed.

So Gandalf and Legolas go into this cellar full of healing supplies, apparently dark and vast. Gandalf lights several pipes and puts them all in his mouth at once. Each emits a faint light. Soon he emerges, coughing, complaining it's too dark. Legolas goes in. "How can you hunt in the dark?" the wizard asks, mystified (apparently looking for healing herbs is "hunting").

Legolas laughs that he's an elf. He can hunt in the dark.

The two seem to be flirting. There's another scene where Gandalf is wearing an oversized Hawaiian shirt, which he slowly unbuttons. I'm embarrassed that my brother is watching this and wonders what he thinks. ("The embarrassing part is if he's turned on and then worries if he's gay, because he always thought he was straight. I will need to reassure him he is probably bisexual," I reason.)

Anyway, Gandalf isn't naked under the shirt. He's wearing boxers. Legolas looks disapppointed.

They're in the hall of a modern office building. There seems to be a board meeting going on in the room at the end, which the camera enters. But people there are dressed as army officers - brown suits, with a sheen of antiquity. Not new and slick like the black-lined panes of the hallway's windows. One of them announces good news: "The Allies have retaken Peru!"

At that point my brother turns off the TV and I turn to him, saying, "That was an odd adaptation of The_Lord_of_the_Rings, wasn't it?"

He nods in agreement. He's wearing a shirt of antique ivory lace over a green plaid one.

I go up the stairs, complaining to my mom about the movie. Not only was there no World War 2 in The_Lord_of_the_Rings, I say, but there was none in Peru either, at least not directly.

"Maybe they meant the piranha war," Mom suggests, laughing. "The Piranha War of Peru."
e_o_i Shiloh, my parents' dog, has a part in a war movie satire that's a cross between something from Blackadder and a less profane Tropic Thunder. See, there's a movie inside a movie and it has terrible special effects, so a plastic action figure is standing in for an actual soldier. Then Shiloh enters the set of this movie and grabs the toy in his mouth. "A dog ate our soldier!" a man shouts from offscreen.

This is pulled off perfectly - but what's if Shiloh swallows the thing? It can't be good for him.
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