nomme) i kissed a growing pear
in the orchard i
was wanting
silentbob she kissed me. i was kissed. 050706
klairchen by some bitter smoke,
vails of it, in fact.

and now my heart strains to remember the strains of any sweet song...
nom "i hadn't been kissed since i was 14"

and i don't know if i'll ever be kissed again
nom and i don't know why he kissed me 070522
nom and i don't know if i'll ever be kissed again 070522
Fido I purse to meet her rifled lips
Puckered as her square'd hips,
I smile wide as Oz is low,
I shant be missed amidst the blowing snow!
raze i didn't know how it felt. even my dreams wouldn't tell me. i knew who i wanted to kiss, but i didn't know if i would ever get the chance to memorize their lips. i read everything i could on the internet about how to do it the right way. i tried to imagine how i would tilt my head. this way? that way? who would lead? what would it be like? maybe slow and tentative. just another way of saying hello to someone you don't really know. maybe fast and fierce. two starving creatures determined to love each other or die trying. remember, one article said. breathe through your nose. but why would i want to do that when i could breathe through the soft trap of someone else's mouth? i tried to practice, tried to make the_back_of_my_hand a moist pair of lips, but they never kissed me back. 211122
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who go