splinken so you like that, do you? 010506
silentbob indeed i do
look so cute in your blue jeans
farmfish fifteen 010506
the indulgent ascetic his hands played a gentle rhythm in circles and votive caresses along the upper reaches of her body but came to a tentative rest at her hips.

this was a moment of truth;

would she encourage him further
or bring him to a halt?

only the muses and angels who watched over them knew for sure

to have her, he thought, as she felt his pulse racing from his fingertips, would be like rebuilding eden.
soia lead to thighs 010507
KnockDownDragOut I read something in one of those pathetic women's magazines that the perfect waist to hip ratio was 7:10. Apparently the most attractive, sexiest women in history have had this ratio. Like Marilyn Monroe. The actual numbers don't matter, just the 7:10.

Turns out that's what I have.

If there's any truth to the theory, that explains a lot.

I have soft, round, very pale hips and then summer-brown legs and stomach. I spend too much time in the sun. But how can you resist?
silentbob she aligned hers and mine and said, "I'm such a tease" 040306
cocoon shake those hips 040606
what's it to you?
who go