Sonya I remember walking down 8th street with my mother and looking in the windows at the steamed dumplings and large pot of rice. I remember inhaling the scent of green tea at the herbal store. I remember the tingle in my stomach when I caught a group of Asian boys staring at me.

I remember being lost in Oakland once, and I remember the feeling I felt when I found my way back...

I remember taking pictures with my camera at the beach, wait...MY beach... only to have the film messed up by the developers. (The photos don't seem to matter as much as my memories.)

I remember my first cross country plane ride. I remember seeing him for the first time. He had on this cream colored Polo shirt. I remember the jingles my aquamarine bracelets made when he first held my hand and sensed I was nervous.

I remember twirling around the carousel nestled with him. I remember how much he tried to win me that white tiger and how he felt when he didn't.

I remember the neverending cheesecake at Shorty Small's and how bloated we both were.

I remember late night domino games with the guys. I remember just sitting and watching our Christmas tree twinkle as if I was 5 years old.

I remember banquet meals with my family, and mainly my father at the Happy Families Restaurant. He would always order prawns with honey walnuts because he knew that was my favorite.

I remember riding my bike through the neighborhood in San Jose. I remember the time I fell off my scooter when I was 7 and knocked out my two front teeth as my face hit the concrete.

I remember watching my mother fry bananas for my brother and me and the times she made me fried rice on the weekends.

I remember my first trip to the Palace of Fine Arts and how overwhelmed I was by the majesty of what laid before my eyes. I remember not wanting to leave when our shuttle arrived.

I remember the view from the pier. I remember the sea breeze and the sea lions.

Please don't let me forget. I want it all to stay with me forever...I know there's more to come, but I'll try to remember.
what's it to you?
who go