tender_square he was adamant that something happened the day after valentines, when he ran into her at the rink to get his blades sharpened. they know each other enough to say hello, and they did, passing on the staircase. her "hi" came out like an elongated, sad sigh. "something happened," he insisted to me, scrutinizing every second. "but i couldn't get personal and ask, 'is something wrong?' " it was false pretenses: he claimed the interaction was muscle when it was sinew. there was nothing about love on her social media when she's taken. what was i supposed to say? his therapist gently suggested there's no way of knowing. i'm bothered that he's falling into trusted patterns: he's being microscopic and obsessive and worrying about the future. "i'm super overwhelmed by this," he admitted. "i get the feeling something big happened." 230219
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