twiggie i haven't talked to well over a year. but i pressed the picture of that little mailbox on my screen. even though it's nothing big, or a message personally to me, i'm not forgotten.
i feel like i let her down.
i really tried to come to your dad's funeral...
they wouldn't let me.
i was looking at your address the other day. i was going to write...
but you've moved. and i still don't know where.
i'm afraid if i email you asking, you'll get angry that i didn't do it sooner...
that i didn't keep in touch.
stupidpunkgirl alone, and alright
valentine's day is approaching
i don't have any money anyways
and i'm grounded this whole week
never had a boyfriend on valentine's
and the last one probably wouldn't of got me anything anyways....
but it's ok
i don't need commercial holidays
i'm fine by myself
and i don't need society to tell me otherwise.
chanaka i can tell that you left a valentine for my roomate even with my back turned. ah, such fond gifts between friends. how many cds have i burned for you? and you give her candy? do you think i can't see?
ahhh...who am i fooling...i am bitter as hell because no one loves me everybody hates me
so lets go eat worms
psychobabe its comeing up soon
in about lemme see here...
...17 days :)
I think the whole cd depends on if you have someone or you dont. Otherwise if you dont it turns out feeling like shit but if do its good :)
bijou this time next year
one bedroom apartment with hardwood floors corner unit heat paid

the Valentine neighborhood. the greatest four blocks in the whole downtown/westport/midown/plaza kansas city area.

just me an my dog.
pralines&cream my Valentine will be in Hawaii on Feb. 14, at his brother's wedding. I'll be alone on Valentine's Day ... I'll probably stay home and watch t.v. in my pajamas and pink robe. I love my pink robe ... and well, it is pink, so i guess it's fitting ... 020206
little wonder this year will be spent at my mom's...

[so strange].

that most definately will not be the day for her to forget about +everything+ around her.
silentbob this year i'm doing nothing.

i hope i just get some mystery letter or something.
all i can do is hope
blue star I am so sick of not doing anything for Valentine's Day. I am just sick of it.

That's all...
blown cherry I'm almost 23 and I've never received a single real valentines card or present.
Having your birthday on the same day kinda distracts from all that I guess :(

Just once I'd like someone to want to celebrate their love for me more than my age.

But no one loves me now anyway. I saw to that. Oh well, there's always next year.
jinx I've only had two years with a valentine...both were with the same guy...we're not together anymore. 020313
jinx Hopefully, we'll be back together for this Valentine's Day-as well as MANY other Valentine's Days and BUNCHES of other regular days that aren't so regular because I'll be with him.

It's up to him.
silentbob plural 030103
blue star I can't wait to not have any again this year........

ShilohComplains the guy who broke my heart and left has his birthdayright before valentines sorta ruins the holiday for me... 030615
leahcar cards that either brighten your day or break your heart. 120823
tender_square she thought it prudent for them to look for cards while she picked up her prescription. the valentine’s day section was smaller than she expected, there wasn’t enough room for the both of them to browse without noticing what the other had chosen.

you go on first,” she said, meandering down the aisle to look at office supplies she didn’t need; floral folders, 12-packs of post-it notes, clipboards.

i’m finished,” he called. “i’m going to go pay for this up front.”

she moved to the section and found there were only six cards with the tag “husband.” she read the first. it was about love being expressed in ordinary ways—meals cooked, errands run, garbage taken out—and it sounded like them, the routine of their lives. but then the card qualified it by saying there was nothing ordinary about their love. her stomach soured. the card seemed to mock her; of course their love was ordinary, it was susceptible to fading.

she picked up a second card, one that expressed thanks on the cover, which was sentiment she wanted considering he’d been feeling taken for granted. inside the card, the message read, “thank you for being here for the long haul," calling the husband ahero.” she shook her head disapprovingly and returned it to the display.

she reviewed all her options and didn’t quite care for any of them.

he entered the aisle. “oh.” he didn't realize she was still making her decision, turned around.

i’m done,” she called. she settled on the card that contained the statements she felt she could stand by, even if it was the last valentine she’d ever give him: “i am grateful to be married to you. i appreciate you. and i always will.”
unhinged 2/15 aka half_price_chocolate_day is the holiday i choose to celebrate

why save your love for a holiday?
tender_square she didn’t know if she should bring the card with her to work so she could draft her message before penning it inside, to really think about what she wanted to say and how to say it in a way that felt genuine, that didn’t feel like a giant lie. she didn’t know if he had already finished his card for her the night before, if he wanted to exchange them first thing that morning. he had a way of writing messages that seemed to specifically speak to whatever hardship they were enduring at that time. whereas she took the big-picture approach, looking for the larger trends in their relationship and commenting on what made them the couple they were.

she told herself she was overthinking it, that she should just dive in and do it. she wrotei am grateful for all your love and support. thank you for filling my days with smiles and laughterand signed as one of the nicknames he had for her. it was far lighter than what she typically wrote, but she hoped the card itself conveyed what she couldn’t.

when she arrived home from work, she saw his card for her, sitting on the couch in the place she often sat, waiting for her.

his card was humorous, a joke about a tortilla chip and nacho cheese. inside, he thanked her for all the support she had given him when things had been so difficult. he thanked her for believing in him during all the times when he didn’t believe in himself and wrote that he hoped he’d done the same for her. he said he couldn’t wait for their life together in a post-covid world. she teared up reading it. his message was heartfelt and sincere. she was a fraud.

she watched him open the card and read the designed text. he couldn’t decipher her handwriting. she moved closer to him on the couch and spoke the words aloud. she looked up at him when she finished and saw the exact moment that his face fell.
what's it to you?
who go