bijou that every mention of that place rustles up my blood, restlessly. like it's only the first trimester of this winter but i can already smell spring. smells like spring in new york city. smells like june in brooklyn. today i have candy bars and egg drop soup at my desk in front of my computer. i want coronas on rooftops and slick just rained on streets. i don't want to leave my boyfriend, i want to get outta here for a while. an excursion to albuquerque next week isn't going to cut it.

it's on the up. winter is not halfway over, but the darkness is. the shortest day of the year was two weeks ago and i didn't even cry. (the day before, i couldn't move. i'm not much fun around these damn winter holidays. ever heard of seasonal affective disorder? who the hell thought of making christmas on the darkest week of the whole year?) I'm on the up train. cold cold. icicles hang off my car as it sits in the slicked over parking lot.
what's it to you?
who go