Sonya A lecture between a father and daughter suddenly turns into a heartfelt bonding.

Years of detachment fade for awhile as true importance approaches the stage.

Happiness, with her red hair in curls and her green eyes sparkling, prepares to make her appearance upon cue. She waits...

Confusion slumps in the corner of his dressing room. He runs his hand through his short blonde hair and begins to panic, but remembers that his scene has already passed.

Courage and Determination are rough housing in the halls backstage. They continue to practice their juggling act (their 500th rehearsal session) and end up developing a new routine by accident.

Hope is on stage. Her black hair rests peacefully on her back as she sings a beautiful melody written by an unknown. Though the eyes of the audience try to penetrate her and make her falter, she stares right back defiantly and the melodies flow from her heart to the souls watching...

Observation nudges Memory and says, "It's gonna be a long show tonight, but what a great show!"

The stage is ready for more...
Nosi the stage....
in seconds my body is active and my mind becomes silent. reality seems so far away as the performance begins and suddenly i feel at ease. the stage is my escape, were the world finaly makes sence.
kerry on the stage i lose all my cool
my face reddens,
i feel dizzy and nauseated,
i forget everything.
on the stage i'm a nobody.
jinx On the stage I'm anybody but myself. 030314
Mandy on the stage i'm anybody i want to be. 030315
what's it to you?
who go