epitome of incomprehensibility Multitasking: two crickets fucking, and the one nibbling on a mint leaf at the same time. 220829
e_o_i one, not "the one"

or maybe it's some sort of prophecy: The One will come into this world as a multitasking cricket
e_o_i Also, I think they were grasshoppers. 220831
tender_square [after you posted this, e_o_i, i opened my mailbox early one morning and saw two crickets fucking underneath flyers. i said "sorry guys; as you were!"] 220831
e_o_i The neglected parsley almost all gone to seed. But parsley seed is easy to collect - the dried ones come off in your hands, so you just hold a container underneath.

Parsley's supposed to be hard to grow from seed, though.

(t_s, we need someone to intrude on the sex life of locusts and we'll have a trifecta!)
e_o_i Another crop of radish seed pods - a bunch went into today's lunch salad.

I must not have thinned the plants out properly, since few have produced many actual radishes. But I like the taste of the pods better anyway. You can bite into them like you can't into radishes (well, my dad eats radishes whole, but he's from Maine, so what do you expect?)
e_o_i edits *ANY actual radishes, goshdarnit.

Also I don't hate Maine. Some of my best aunts and fathers are from Maine. (My best father and my best and/or second-best aunt, to be precise.)
tender_square a graceful man practicing tai chi. 220905
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