nom one of these days i'll be in the middle of a bank line or supermarket deli aisle and i'll flip and do a handstand and people will be be looking at me looking at eachother wondering what is up with down but they don't know how long it's been since i last did a roundoff
not to mention how
sometimes i'll be walking in a field and i'll just feel like diving in as though it is water
it's the sleeping gymnast swimmer girl in me
who really should have enjoyed the summer more
but the beach was so smoky
the fields parched
now it is cold and wet
shadow le crow somehow this isn't the nom-mon i imagined, but that's a good thing. there be a surprise everyday. 031019
nom it's funny the things i type when i'm not listening to myself 031019
tender_square "oh, i found out not only is she a figure skater, she's also a gymnast." he was idling by the kitchen sink when he said it, aiming for nonchalance.

she scoffed while she mixed batter, adding dry ingredients to wet.

"every man wants a gymnast," she muttered. "you're reminding me of robert california."

he rolled his eyes and groaned, throwing his upper body onto the countertop in exasperation.

"it's not like that."


he idled while she kneaded with her hands. she thought about how easy it was to work without having to worry about her wedding ring anymore.

"you know, my first crush when i was fourteen was on the girls on the us olympic gymnast team."

and she wondered why exactly was he telling her this.
what's it to you?
who go