cr0wl six year-old ethan and nine year-old jacob

solid, confident, top level skiers are always treasured at our school because having them in your class guarantees you ninety minutes of skiing bliss. i often instruct at this level just by skiing aggressively in front of them. "copycat me," i say and they follow like puppies. down the big mountain it's a different story. it's the first time they've gone huge and it's definately intimidating at times. even i have to respect some of the steepness. they get lost in their own worlds and come out the other side just fine. maybe a little shaken.

still, they're fun to ski with because they love skiing. it's inside of them. it has to be if you're ever going to trust your feet.

it's all in the feet.

everybody's sliding now
everybody's learning how
come on, go skiing with me...
jane now immortalized through crOwl 090224
cr0wl that's nice, thanks, margaux... xo.

i've been at the seven springs ski school for 18 years and one of the most awesome thing that happens is when 23 and 24 year-old skiers come up to me and tell me they remember when i taught them. they remember the clown, puppets, magic, the stories... the fun and happiness.

i was with the green brothers again today. we skied the half-pipe and two terrain parks. when we rode the chairlift we let the shaking of the wheels tweak the sound of our voices.
cr0wl ethan and jacob came to our school one more day, this being the last of their vacation.

we cruised upon the sun-kissed snow, entered the half-pipe, the race course, and several black diamond slopes. since they soared up to the top level of our school, the three of us created new levels for them to achieve, based on words they made up themselves, like...
demis, sipf, pitmos, shiest, and ziggity.

i laugh so easily and ethan asked me why i laugh so much. "i think you're funny," i told him. but really it was just because i was happy. i love how children think. how they always want to do good. how honest the reveal themselves. how confident they are when they like you and trust you.

inside of us is the story of our childhood and how we became who we are.
cr0wl mary at the counter of our ski school told me when mr. green read the report cards i wrote for his sons, complete with our own language and its translation, he freaked.

and that's a good thing.
what's it to you?
who go