cocoon This morning, the wind was blowing so hard, and it was raining, and hailing and it was completely dark.
And I just thought, shit. This is global warming in action. The weather all this week has been so crazy. Exactly like what they talk about when they describe what global warming will do. Nothing like what I've ever seen in the 4 years I've been here. And I just thought: Damn man, we're going down. Fucking global warming is going to kill us.
ellemenopee Global Warming is a myth pushed by the media and liberal politicians in order to promote fear. The reason for the fear (besides control) is an effort to curb the oil/auto industries in order to hurt the right/conservative wing of government. Consider the fact that scientists have only been taking the planet's temperature for the past 100-120 years, a pitance compared to the history of the planet. Next consider the fact that less then 10,000 years ago most of what is now North America, Europe and Asia were under ice. Also, the supposed 'disappearing ice' in the Artic would be enough to cover most of Florida in 20 ft of water. It seems that most of that ice has actually shifted south and rather than clinging to the areas around the north pole has actually moved into Baffin Bay and the Beaufort Sea. 041119
thunderbuck ram mmmm whose propaganda should I believe today? 041215
birdmad in the place where i live, when i was a kid (up to age 15 or so), it was not unusual, from december through the first week of march for morning dew to frost our lawns and form icicles on the eaves of our homes and for the highs to rarely make it past 62F, generally ranging in the 52-60 degree range with the lows ranging from the upper 20's in the outer suburbs to the low 40's in the center of the city

over the last 16-17 years the average winter high temperature is now in the range of 65-74 and it has become rare to see the overnight low sink below 42 degrees.

I can tell yiou i'm not fond of hitting the hundred degree mark before the third week of April when it didn't used to get there until a whole month later as a kid

Last year, temperatures here stayed in the high 80's and low 90's until about the 1st week of November

myth, my ass
J Kessler Global Warming isn't a myth but is blown out of proportion. The planet is warming as part of a cycle of global temperture shift. Obviously the planet is warming otherwise how did we come out of an Ice Age? Ellemenopee may be a bit of an extremeist but his point about science only studing global temps for the past 100 years is true. There is no way for us to know the reason for the rise in temperature. 041215
but polar ice cores can show us temperatures and environmental data from much, much more than 100 years ago. 041215
monee people have been obseving and talking about the weather for a very long time, whether or not people actually recorded temperatures in our modern way(s).

it think the fact that we're all talking about global warming is at least indicative that something out of the ordinary is going on.

there are cycles the earth goes through, but we seem to be messing with those cycles, speeding them up.

not awake)
thunderbuck ram When science doesn't have the answers it throws up theories. Theories are either proved or disproved with time, or, to the ultimate frustration of the scientist, they remain theoeries. If you are a scientist and you develop a theory or if you strongly subscribe to a theory, there is nothing better for promoting your cause than the threat of an apocalyptic outcome. As a layman I'm never sure what to believe. As an inveterate sceptic and a cynic I normally divide the claims of most theorists by two and then take a large pinch of salt for good measure. That doesn't mean the issue should not be taken seriously, rather that it needs to be approached with enquiring caution and a healthy sense of perspective.

In my possibly simplistic way I regard us as an integral part of an organic earth and therefore find it difficult to subscribe to the idea that something out of the ordinary is going on, nor that we can mess with any cycles that the earth might be going through, as we are an inseparable part of that cycle.
belly fire They say the turbine fans will save us.
Giant fans.
Windmills of the future cooling our ice caps...ongelooflijk!
Grant What of the Global Cooling fear of the late 60's and 70's?! Science of the 70's predicted death for the planet by 5/5/2000. What happened? They just missed it I suppose. 041217
J Kessler touche Mr Grant, touche 050128
... "Just a few years ago, a group of Inuit speakers found themselves challenged to come up with a new word to describe the strange bird that had started visiting them in summer months. The bird was a robin, and nowhere in the long Inuit oral tradition had it ever come to their lands..."

- Ominous signs of an Arctic thaw,
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
crOwl love your world 070130
nom global_dimming 070208
slow roasted birdmad it is damn near 80 degrees outside right now

it is a good ten degrees too warm for february and the weather jackasses on TV are smiling like idiots talking about how beautiful it is, forgetting that it likely means that summer will be nearly intolerable around here
what's it to you?
who go